Trust the Lord #1


(Psalms118:8 NKJV)

According to Webster, part of Trusting means:
a “confident expectation or hope”

We tend to put our trust in lots of things.

We trust other drivers will stop at traffic lights
as we travel through a green light.
(I have seen car crashes that seem to question this trust)

We trust restaurants will only charge us once.
(I recently had a restaurant charge my credit card twice,
–    for the same meal)

We trust banks will always figure our balances correctly.
(A few times I’ve found banks statements
with errors in their favor.)

But the bible says: “it is better to trust in the Lord”
and using Webster’s definition we could paraphrase this verse:
–  it is better ‘to have a confident
expectation or hope’ in the Lord
Than to put our confidence in man.

As far as “not putting your confidence in man”

It’s just better to trust in the Lord

In my world

– there are some I feel like I can trust a lot.
– there are some I’d like to trust, but it would not be wise
to place too much confidence in them.

– I have learned to give some no trust.
But, we all know the saying:

“fool me once, shame on you:”

“fool me twice, shame on me.”

The point being that man will often let us down.
We would like to trust each other,
but often we will be disappointed when
we put too much trust in fellow human beings.
We need to use discernment about who
and how much to trust each other.

Incidentally, someone figured out Psalm 118:8
is the center verse in the bible.  I can tell it’s pretty close,
but I never actually counted all the verses.

Do you think we can be confident
this someone figured this correctly?
