Trust the Lord #2

Trust in the LORD with all your heart,
And lean not on your own understanding;
In all your ways acknowledge Him,
And He shall direct your paths.

(Proverbs 3:5-6 NKJV)

Once I sat in a bible study with a woman who was
probably in her early forties.  It was the first
bible study she had attended after many years.

The group was discussing some other
portion of scripture when she recited
this verse from memory.
She said something to the effect of

“Wow, where did that come from?”

Now for me, memorization has never been
one of my strong suits.  But somehow
I memorized these 2 bible verses.

These verses contain a wonderful promise.
The God of the Universe
is willing to be intimately involved in
providing direction in my life.

Think about that:

The God who was smart enough to
create the birds and the bees
and the sky up above
is willing and able
“to direct my paths”

and yours too.

Now as one who has been aware of this great promise
for many years, I will tell you it is not “that easy”
to just do the first line from the verses above.


You have to make a decision:

1.  To put “all your heart” into trusting God.
2.  To admit often times we don’t really know
the best direction for our own lives.

3.  And to be
“poor enough in spirit” that
we listen for His wisdom

And lastly we walk or take action
having faith that God is aware
we took the time and made the effort
to navigate the path of life
having acknowledged Him.

Someone I know once asked:
“Are we encouraged to do this for
“small things, medium things, or big things?”

For me, I usually “consciously” try to do this
for larger things in my life.

But I try to be open to God’s Spirit
in all aspects of my life.

Most importantly
I believe He loves me and cares for me.
And wants to help me.