Birth Pangs

Normally, before a woman goes into hard labor in birthing a baby, she has a series of Birth Pangs that gives the mother notice her baby is coming and her life is about to make a significant change. These two verses from Jesus are often referred to as “birth pangs”. As he sat on the… Continue reading Birth Pangs

Rapture of the Church

Jesus Christ, the bridegroom is going to come for His beloved bride and take her to heaven where He has prepared a place for her to be with Him forever. This reference to church is referring to those who have made Jesus their Savior and Lord. It is not a reference to any particular church… Continue reading Rapture of the Church

The Greatness of God

“Where were you when I laid the foundations of the earth? Declare, if you have understanding. Who determined its measures, if you know? Or who stretched the line on it? Whereupon were its foundations fastened? Or who laid its cornerstone? (God questioning Job in Job 38:4-6 WEB) Commentary: The man, Job had gone through a… Continue reading The Greatness of God

Signs of the End Times

According to the bible and many current events, our world, our nation, our families and friends, and we are quickly heading towards perilous times. Note: Verses are Blue, Bold and Centered The following verse states there will be a leader who will control every ones buying & selling using a mark on their right hand… Continue reading Signs of the End Times

Calendar: BC & AD

How does the fact we use BC and AD on calendars support how important Jesus was and is to us? What does BC and AD mean on a Calendar?BC means Before Christ, marking a period of time.AD in Latin means “in the year of our Lord”. AD is derived from the Latin: Anno Domini.The first… Continue reading Calendar: BC & AD

Touching !

Look closely at Michelangelo’s famous painting “The Creation of Adam” and you will observe God actively reaching out to Adam. Adam somewhat passively reaches back in God’s direction. Perhaps Adam is thinking: “What does God want now?” We have a God who loves us and wants to be in relationship with us! If He were… Continue reading Touching !