Thy Word #1

“Sanctify them by Your truth.Your word is truth.” (Jesus speaking in John 17:17 NKJV) These words were spoken by Jesus on the night beforeHe was crucified on a cross to pay for our sins. According to Webster to sanctify means:to cleanse, purify, or make holy. Sanctify also means to “set apart”,or “to consecrate”. Jesus’s death… Continue reading Thy Word #1

Thy Word #2

  Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path. (Psalms 119:105 KJV) Think about a lighthouse.For the sailor on a dark night,a lighthouse helps in several ways. a) the light from the lighthouse gives thesailor an indication of the whereaboutsof the shoreline. b) the beacon from the lighthouseshines on… Continue reading Thy Word #2

Thy Word #3

Imagine for a moment scripture versesbeing compared to a sword. Typically swords are a few feet long,and today, made out of various types of steel.In ancient times, swords were typicallymade from iron by a blacksmith. According to Wikipedia a sword is: “A bladed weapon intended for slashing or thrusting… and to inflict deep stab wounds.”… Continue reading Thy Word #3